
Hyline Offraod was suffering from a lack of branding, dated marketing materials/ logo and lack of an online social media presence. They were in need of a complete overhaul.

Rebranding was the first phase, to modernize the Hyline logo and develop breakthrough, disruptive creative that is distinctive from others in the category. Using the new creative appeal and buzz with new marketing materials, experiential displays, and consistent social media posts




Hyline Offroad’s mission is to provide you, the offroad enthusiast, with the absolute highest quality, most stylish, and ruggedly durable armor products, while remaining 100% MADE IN USA. They need the updated tools to match that statement.



Social media and web graphics

Implementing the new graphic treatment to update the brand and create consistency moving forward. I shot and retouched product photos for social media and the website. Wrote headlines pertaining to what was relevant at that time, and developed giveaways to created buzz.



Show graphics and print materials

Created an experience for the customers to view current Hyline products. Developed displays to show the products which were then created out of metal by Hyline. Other elements include tent, banner, table cloth, directors chairs, shirt and hat designs, vehicle wraps, flags, informational hand out cards, business cards and thank you for your purchase cards.